Perhaps DMT allows you to see your thoughts

Franklin Carnes
2 min readJun 8, 2016

Shane Mauss shares his analogy for how parts of our brain work, in a talk with Duncan Trussell. Long story short, if we correlate our ideas and thoughts into the imagery of a story with ourselves in them, we will remember them better. The imagery may seem crazy (he gives the example swimming through a river of razor blades as an image to remind him to purchase razor blades), but the depth is very real, the link is a strong one. We can see that link. Similar to (and perhaps a better example), when we find our creative outlit, that outlit becomes a catharsis for our being, a channel to express our being, and we can begin to see our mind vis-a-vis art. We are presevering our ideas by embodying them in art. To see them in action, we have DMT.

We are not our bodies, we are not human things or objects, rather, we are human beings.

We connect our emotions and our deepest feelings somewhere in our mind. DMT allows us to see what this place looks like, to see our hidden mind. Like the most divine flavor, the vista is astounding, bewildering, and perplexing; nothing compares in beauty.

Basically, you can visualize the links between perception and emotion (speaking from my own experience). We are energy. Our minds are energy. We can visualize (as Shane Mauss says) an infinite amount of energy in a finite space. When on DMT, we can see our most honest emotions and thoughts, in a very lucid experience. We exist within the greater being. Everything is moving. We rejoin the motion.

We do come down from the trip, eventually, back to our earthly perceptions and reality. Our “physical” world. Until we return, back to the fractal world, we are on Earth. We ought not reduce this physical, “normal” realm to be anything less than the “DMT world.” This world is as real as before we tripped and when we are on entheogens. The DMT can provide a deep cut into our perceptions. We do not need to be on drugs to make decisions, but sometimes they can provide some of the wisest direction. It is more clear, after tripping, that our thoughts affect our reality and what/how we manifest. Also, our actions now make an incomprehensible difference on the other side of life. DMT is released as we die. Why? Perhaps to help ease our being out of our bodies.

Disclosure: Somewhat disjointed writing… I’m aware…

